Common Practices to Protect Your Child from Infections

Children are very prone to infections and diseases because of their under-developed immune systems. Disease-causing germs spread when large numbers of people are together or when people share things. Germs spread more easily in the colder months because people spend a lot of time indoors. Vaccines help protect your child from vaccine-preventable infections. Vaccinations are an important part of a child’s immunity because

  • Protect your child from dangerous diseases and help prevent the spread of the disease.
  • It is cheaper than treatment for diseases.
  • It has few serious side effects.
  • It is usually necessary for a child to attend school or nursery.
  • You can also follow the basic hygiene and preventive measures below to help prevent illness.


It is impossible to protect your child from all infectious diseases. However, teaching your child healthy habits can significantly reduce the risk of infections among them. In this blog, we will discuss some common practices to should teach your children and follow and to protect your child from any kind of infections.

  • Educate your child that germs spread when people touch their eyes, nose, and mouth before washing their hands.
  • Teach your child to cough or sneeze in their arm to keep their mouth closed.
  • Children should wash their hands when they use the toilet and after blowing their nose, especially if water gets on their hands.
  • Show your child to dry their hands thoroughly after washing them.
  • The procedure of hand sanitizers also kills germs from contamination causes.
  • Tell them not to share hats, combs, toothbrushes, food containers or other personal items with other children.
  • Teach your child not to share drinks, silver or items with others.
  • Train them to use tissue paper and to cover the mouth when coughing or sneezing.
  • It pays your child how to hold the tissues so that drainage doesn’t get in their hands. Tell your child to always throw the handkerchiefs in the trash can.
  • Tell your child to use only clean, dry paper towels and handkerchiefs. Teach him not to touch tissue paper or paper towels.
  • Teach them not touching urine, stool, or other drainages. Teach your child to tell a caregiver if the child is bleeding or has accidentally urinated or passed a stool.
  • If your child attends daycare, closely follow child-oriented policies on children and hygiene issues.
  • Wash your child’s hands frequently and disinfect shared toys.
  • If your child is sick, keep him away from daycare and other children until the infectious period passes.
  • Keep your child away from secondhand smoke. Smoke can cause irritation in the mucous membranes in your child’s nose, sinuses and lungs.


When you are in a public area such as an airport or restaurant, be aware of the risk of exposure to germs that can make you and your child sick.

  • Avoid people with obvious illnesses (such as someone who is coughing or sneezing).
  • Don’t be afraid to tell others, especially people you don’t know, not to touch your child.
  • Do not let your child eat or touch his mouth, eyes, or nose until his hands have been thoroughly washed with soap and water.
  • Make sure that your dishes, table and general dining area are cleaned.
  • If your child is in daycare, make sure that good hygiene practices are followed. These include cleaning facilities and toys, hygienic food preparation, proper bathing procedures, and cleaning and procedures when they are sick.
  • Try to avoid protruding public areas. For example, crocus may advise you to keep the dangers of outdoor chewing away from outbreaks of crocus.

Visit us at Kids Docs Speciality Clinics for the best possible comprehensive pediatric services for children in Hyderabad. With the best pediatrician in Hyderabad, we offer a wide range of specialized healthcare for newborns and children up to the age of eighteen.

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